Week in a Day

Saturday, July 30, 2011

So, I typically go to the grocery store once every two weeks or so. I end up with all sorts of things because I'm terrible at remembering what I already have (for instance, I currently have 3 containers of chili powder and approximately 7 boxes of spaghetti...you get my drift). About three days after said shopping trip, I realize that we have nothing to eat and I ask myself, "what did I spend $134.00 on at the grocery store if we have nothing but diet coke and onions for dinner?". Well, I have decided to put an end to my mindless isle wandering and start planning meals for every night of the week. I have also gotten a little over zealous and decided to cook everything ahead of time on Sunday. Whoa, whoa, whoa there Whitney, You mean to tell me that you are going to cook 5 different meals in one day?! Why yes conscience, that is exactly what I am going to do. I remembered that Rachael Ray has a show on the Cooking Channel called "Week in a Day". If she can do it, I can do it, and I'm going to do it with her help. I found the show's website here and I settled for the episode "Stick to Your Ribs". I made a list, checked it twice and headed out for the Meijer to do some controlled grocery shopping. To my surprise, shopping with a list is very liberating. For once I didn't feel like the shelves were hassling me to make a decision. I did but Gus a kitty condo that was not on the list but how could I resist.

All that to say, tomorrow.....It's going down. Stay tuned to see the deliciousness that ensues.
And here is a picture of J&J to brighten your day. 

Our new nest!

Friday, July 15, 2011

We have been in Louisville now for about three weeks. I STILL have not started my job because I am waiting on my license to get approved, so we have been hanging out, and enjoying each other. I thought it would be fun to put up a few pictures of our new apartment. We really like it here! We have found that apartment complexes are full of interesting people to say the least (which should lead to some fun blogs later...stay tuned). Enjoy!
This is our living room that I love! We went to IKEA when we first got here. I would take a vacation to IKEA. It was like my Disney World. "I want to go to there..." (any 30 Rock fans?)

This is the picture in the living room that we got in Uganda. I love it. I love the colors and I love that it reminds me of Africa.

Other side of the living room.

This is the Kitchen. I like that it is really open but I very much don't like mismatched appliances. (Just a pet peeve, there is nothing wrong with these appliances, I'm just crazy.)
Our bedroom! 
Freddy's office. Full of his things. And yes, that is a lightsaber...

That's it so far.